Tuesday, March 17, 2009

in a nutshell....

"We must go beyond the textbooks, go out into the bypaths and untrodden depths of the wilderness and travel and explore and tell the world the glories of our journey"
- John Hope Franklin -

Monday, March 16, 2009

exploring others blogs...

Through my explorations, I have realized that I am not only mediating through my blog, I am also exploring other blogs and the world of blogging. I have also seen A LOT of blogs in other languages. Although I can't read them, I enjoy looking at the pictures and how others mediate their spaces through photographs, drawings, paintings, and writings (which i can't read..!) All of the blogs that I have mentioned reflect the personalities and spaces around the bloggers. Other bloggers have definitely inspired ideas and things that I do in my life.

Here are some of my favorites:

http://arlingtongreen.blogspot.com/this girl is genius and tells it like it is... it's an amazing mix of fashion, fun, and living on the east coast... top of my list….

http://secretsofacitygirl.blogspot.com/because the blogger works in the fashion industry (model), this is a rare perspective from the inside. Her taste in clothing in flawless, and she combines infamous designers with equally gorgeous photographs of friends, family, and her life. I love her quotes and opinions on life.. this is definitely another one on the top of my list for favorite blogs...

www.huffingtonpost.com this was actually the first blog I ever wrote. You MUST at least look at this blog....

http://jesszamess.blogspot.com/I love her photographs and use of art... she also discusses classes and assignments!


http://dfabt.blogspot.com/fashion and "designing for a better tomorrow"

http://theycallmebonger.wordpress.com/AMAZING photographs..... enough said....

http://b-zhou.blogspot.com/this guy is from New Zealand.. complete with photographs.... I love seeing other parts of the world through the eyes of a local.. not a tourist or tourist company. No promotions... its just the truth.


http://www.overheardinnewyork.com/archives/017887.htmlI'm not sure if this is a blog... but I found it through another blog. It is amazing how there is literally EVERYTHING online....

Exploration Literature

After doing the readings in this class, I really wanted to start to read longer fiction and non-fiction. Although I haven't read any of the books yet, I have a stack of books in my room that I can start reading the second I graduate! Although this is technically a goal for 'after I leave Santa Barbara', I realized how much my life and education in Santa Barbara is affecting my life after Santa Barbara. Rather then 'starting over' somewhere new, my time at UCSB and in Santa Barbara have given me important skills that I can use even after I leave this space.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Places to Study in Santa Barbara

Since a majority of students' time is devoted to attending class, writing papers, taking tests, and completing projects, I also wanted to explore places in Santa Barbara where students could study in a relaxing environment. I was starting to realize that I spent a majority of my time in bed studying. While I was comfortable and could get things done in the comfort of my bed and home, when I went to go to sleep, I couldn't fall asleep because I had spent my day studying in bed. Furthermore, I couldn't study and think in the same place that I need to relax and fall asleep. Therefore, I needed to find a new place...

I had driven past the Mission of Santa Barbara in the past, and noticed that there was a huge grassy area where there were people sleeping, having a picnic, and reading, so this is the first place that I went to. Although this space was very relaxing and quiet, I would bring a towel or blanket to lay on. Before I pulled mine out, I realized there was no way I could have laid on the grass (it was so cold it felt damp!). I also would recommend bringing a small snack or a drink, especially if you are planning on reading for a long time (there are not any food/drinks within walking distance). The space was a perfect place to study, however the sun was so warm, all I wanted to do was nap!

Starbucks in Goleta (next to Borders in Camino Real)

While I go to this Starbucks at least once a week to grab a latte, I have never sat down and studied there. I always see students studying on the tables throughout space, usually with their ipods, computers, and books scattered around them. After Alyssa brought in her posters with the sound, I wanted to test this theory and figure out how everyone can study there when it is so loud! I went to Starbucks with my laptop and books, and brought my ipod just in case. I quickly realized that not only could I hear the noise from Starbucks over ipod music, but I had stopped studying and now was 'people watching'. I vote that Starbucks is NOT a good place to study.

Other recommendations from friends:

The Coffee Cat downtown off State Street

thanks to:

